Is your case management software fit for purpose?

Is your case management software fit for purpose?

25th May 2021

By Dani Lowe

Charities can be amazing at thinking big – they really do want to change the world. But when it comes to IT systems, they’re hampered by thinking small.

Many are reluctant to invest in software as they don’t see the impact that it has on supporters in the same way as say, a helpline. Charities tend to be rather meek when it comes to tech investment. They muddle through on a combination of creaking software, siloed systems, post-it notes, and wishful thinking! 

I notice this especially when it comes to case management software. Done wrong, it’s a drain on resources – and your service users suffer. Done right, it makes everyone’s lives easier.

So, the number one rule? Don’t think small. Do yourself a favour: think big, and invest in a decent system that will enable you to futureproof your data processes. 

What exactly is case management software?

Whether your field is domestic abuse, drug/alcohol issues, financial or dementia support, case management involves being a jack-of-all-trades and a master-of-all-trades, too. That means your software needs to be equally versatile and capable.

Your charity’s case managers must be able to record contacts, and build up histories and case notes. They need to schedule visits, delegate them to colleagues/volunteers, and manage team rotas. They might want to access knowledge bases, signpost clients to further support, and help them apply for benefits. And they need to do all that securely, wherever they’re located.

Charity leaders need to be able to monitor their teams, assess impact, generate reports and use these in funding applications.

Get it wrong (e.g. by cutting corners with your tech) and you could be letting down the very people your charity exists to support.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help you get it right. But often, charities have one CRM package for membership, another for  donations, fundraising, marketing etc. Getting all of these systems to talk to each other is a huge hassle!

Oracle Service Cloud

Instead, you can have one nifty platform that does both – and much more.

Oracle Service Cloud combines contact centre applications and customer services systems into one powerful yet easy-to-use hub.

Case management is a doddle: no matter where your staff are in the UK, they’ve got all the info they need at their fingertips and can input new data as they go.

And there’s more. Multi-channel contact handling? Tick. Email management and web chat? Tick. Online service portal? Tick. Knowledge bases? Tick.

All of the above functions – and many, many more – are seamlessly integrated and Fort Knox-grade secure. And we’re able to configure the system to suit your charity to a tee.

So, there are no more bottlenecks because Mandy in Accounts is on holiday and she’s the only one who knows the password; and no more fuss importing a database from one ancient programme into another.

Oracle can do just about anything except make you a cup of tea – but that’s what your chief executive is for, right?!

Value for money

Let’s face it though, case management systems don’t ever come cheap. Charities often tell us that they can’t afford it.

But they’re not factoring in everything it can do for them. Instead, they’re struggling along with hundreds of outdated and incompatible programmes – one for marketing, one for helplines, one for case management, etc.

Charities lose time, energy and productivity. Quite possibly, they lose staff, supporters and grants, too. And that adds up to losing money.

Contact Connect Assist for a demo

As you’ve guessed by now, we love Oracle at Connect Assist. We’re their chosen partner for the charity sector.

So, in the unlikely event that you need something that Oracle doesn’t already supply, we can have a word with their development team. 

We’d love to show you why we think it’s the best platform around, and how we can configure it for your organisation. Just book an Oracle Service Cloud demo by filling in the contact form below and you can thank me later!



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