Don't let them fall between the gaps.

The coronavirus pandemic is having a significant effect on Britain’s mental health.


“The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic will leave a deep and lasting scar on the mental health of millions in this country. The devastating loss of life, the impact of lockdown and loneliness, and the inevitable recession that lies ahead will affect all of us.” – Mind


So what is the impact on our mental health and what support is available for those who are struggling?

As an outsource provider, we specialise in helplines that support vulnerable people. We offer expert advisors and provide multi-channel communications and supporting CRM technology to deliver positive human outcomes.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.
Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

We're here to help.

Since 2006, we’ve worked with charities and the public sector, driving positive change and improving service and support for the people who need it most.

We work at the ‘sharp end’ of contact centre services. We support people facing severe challenges in their lives and many more simply looking for answers; all delivered through our uniquely human approach.



Support when it's needed the most

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Befriending, counselling and emotional support

We support people living with mental health challenges, loneliness and emotional trauma. We provide outcome-focused therapy by phone, video and email and can also refer customers toward face to face counselling.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Information and signposting

Help is available if customers can find the right support. Many vulnerable people struggle to access services that can help them. Often, they fall into the gaps between providers or misunderstand information about where to turn.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.



Through our helplines, we undertake a careful case assessment, taking time to listen. We call this ‘triage’. Our advisors draw upon their extensive training to unearth the challenges people are facing and ensure they receive the right support.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Benefits, debt and money advice

Our FCA advisors are qualified professionals, with the practical knowledge and personal skills to advise customers facing a wide range of financial challenges.

Digitising services

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Digital Assistant

We build Artificial Intelligence ‘chatbots’ using the Oracle Digital Assistant platform. We provide the tools to automate answers for routine enquiries over voice or text, alleviating the pressure on customer service teams.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Intelligent advisor

For application forms, surveys and grant applications, Intelligent Advisor accommodates and automates complex business rules, responding to customers in real time and guiding them toward a consistent outcome.

Don’t let them fall between the gaps.

Live chat

For service users, live chat is a prompt and efficient way to get answers and offers a welcome alternative to waiting for a call handler to become available. For organisations, it can drive business efficiencies, particularly for out-of-hours services, and enable you to reach more people and improve customer satisfaction.

How can we help you?