Say hello to our new Chief Sales Officer, Amanda Mullans!

Say hello to our new Chief Sales Officer, Amanda Mullans!

30th June 2021

By Amanda Mullans

She’s won prizes, written books and delivered major government and outsourced contracts. So who is Connect Assist’s new recruit – and why is her dog called Mrs Jones..?

What attracted you to join Connect Assist?

I wanted to work with a socially focused organisation. I got a call from a recruitment consultancy telling me about this company doing fantastic things for charities. My ears were pricked!

I loved what I saw online: the website, the brand, the mission statement, the client base and, most importantly, the culture. A big selling point was that Connect Assist was strong on technology, but there to support people.

So I met the CEO, Ron, for an informal chat. He was kind and had a fabulous sense of humour which instantly engaged me! I knew I absolutely had to work for Connect Assist, and felt I had significant skills to help push them even further.

What does your day-to-day role look like?

Every day is different! Initially, my time was spent getting to know colleagues, learning how Connect Assist delivers on its promises, and finding out where everything was.

Now, I’m thinking about our exciting strategic plans and how we can deliver positive human outcomes to more people and in wider market sectors. My day covers everything from business planning and proposition development, through to partner management.

What are your plans for Connect Assist?

In the short term, to ensure our proposition meets current partner and service user requirements. Longer term, how that proposition can evolve to meet anticipated future requirements.

Of course, the last 18 months have been exceptional and challenging for everyone, and there are many views on what the future looks like. I’ve been benefitting from engagement with experts from the third sector, the NHS and others to work out how Connect Assist can best respond to the mid- and long-term needs of those most in need of support and advice.

What are you looking forward to the most in Connect Assist?

People delight me, so the more time I can spend engaging with colleagues and the market, the better!

Tell us something about yourself outside of work?

I spend most of my spare time with my border collie Mrs Jones, named for my hero David Bowie! She kept me both fit and sane during lockdown….

Get to Know the Connect Assist Team! If learning a little about Amanda, our new Chief Sales Officer, has piqued your interest, get to know our team by reading their profiles on this site. Here you’ll learn a little about our senior team including our founders, Patrick Nash and Rusty Livock.


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